Monday 2 November 2009

Initial Ideas


I decided to go for a simple title that related well to what the magazine is about so i have chosen to call it FSM6; Using the capitalisation of Fortismere School Magazine 6th form.

Design Style:

I will go for a very simple design, using quite a consistent colour scheme, i don't want my front cover to be too cluttered so my picture will be black and white and very simple.

Possible Articles:

I would like to include articles that will appeal to both sexes so i am planning on putting in specialised features for males and females such as a sports section and a fashion section and then some unspecialised articles that could help educationally and socially such places to visit in London and revision tips;

Educational places to visit in London

Helpful revision tips and techniques

How to keep on top of your work load and be happy at school

Latest school fashions and beauty tips

Sports - School match results news and league news


I am planning on using a website called which offers a variety of different fonts which could suit the look that i am aiming for. At the top are some examples of fonts that i would like to use. I would also like to use some different fonts from photo shop.


I am going for a black, white and grey look in order to keep my cover quite simple, modern and easy on the eye to help the features to stand out.

My magazine will be aimed at both males and females at Fortismere sixth form who are interested in reading both interesting and educational articles about things that they are genuinely interested in.

Possible Images:

My original idea was to use a girl leaning up against a brick wall reading my magazine but i just couldn't get the right picture for what i was aiming for, so i settled on a photo of a girl looking very happy and reading through her work.

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